My Favorite Client Story

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The most impressive part about my career as a personal trainer is the journey in which my clientele develop a total mind and body transformation. I am always amazed on how my clientele's personality changes in the direction of a more upbeat and positive lifestyle. I started to take notice thereafter arriving at my client's home for a scheduled workout and the time it took for them to actually begin the workout started to become more prompt and prepared. Eliminating factors in time reduction as being fully dressed in their training shoes, with the laces tied even before inviting me inside or sweating due to a pre-warm up routine they created for themselves. My favorite story is one of my lady client's personality changed in the direction of a more positive and surefire attitude due to the body toning/boxing training regiment. This became the first trigger that helped me research the connection between fitness and personality.

Her story is one that will make you smile to yourself, and begin to comprehend how a mosaic picture that is made up of a thousand or more smaller pictures to make one bigger picture, is similar to the complexity of happiness. When standing in the mirror is less punishment and slightly, a quick moment of admiration. When the mirror mirror on the wall doesn't have to try to explain the multiple times when the food you chose, and the beers you drank are in direct correlation to your current physique. This woman finally ended the self-inflicting negativity that she added to her coffee each morning and began to shed her false sense of insecurity due to the personalized body-toning transformation program I created for her. A 12-week body transformation is small peanuts compared to the personality shift in my client's attitude that resulted in a more secure and positive outlook in her own professional career. She once told me, "that the boxing training has helped her anxiety and depression." The mental concentration that is required in boxing is such a fine degree of focus that it didn't allow her to rethink how stressed she has become. Through each week, training 3x a week, plus cardio reminders on our off-days through text and phone calls created an atmosphere of accountability for my client. Through other means of extrinsic motivation similar to sweating alongside her, performing each sit up with her, and congratulating her at every turn of the way is exactly the part that pushed her to achieve her goals.

Towards the end of the first month of training, she told me how she began to regularly receive compliments from strangers. This is the first sign of the progress being seen by others as evidence that the workouts were effective. Society is obsessed with body image and those who can schedule time in their busy days to exercise and maintain their beauty are in the 'in-crowd.' In today's society, the perception of general beauty is falsely perpetuated by magazines, tv shows, and advertisements to weigh as light as a feather and learn not to eat anything but kale but my client was not a 'skinny-minnie.' She did have a die-hard hunger in accomplishing her goal weight but I still tried to steer her eyes away from the numbers on the scale and more on how she felt on the inside. Through each week of training, slowly her body started to tighten and lift in places she assumed was not communicating at all with her age. She began to acquire confidence in each step as she walked, and unconsciously recognize that the interactions with others were more respectful and seemed to spoil her with compliments about her physique. This lit a fire of dedication inside her that increased with each new compliment. After 5 years of employment with her company, she finally mustered up the courage and spoke up in a business meeting. She explained to me, the motivation she gained through the personal training, to give it 'one more,' carried over to her work environment and allowed her to finally be accredited with the accolades she deserved. Fortunately enough for her, she said she finally found the courage to speak because of the confidence she developed through the personal training with me

….I almost began to cry tears of joy.